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Why Journaling Is Important For Your Writing


As a writer, you may have felt clogged in the brain at times. Your life could be unorganized, stressful, or time-consuming. Journaling may help unclog your brain so you can have more time for your own writing projects.


You have probably journaled before during your writing career. But, how often were you consistent with it? Studies have shown that journaling can help improve your memory and communication skills.


There are several types of journals that will help you become more organized:

  • Log Books
  • Notebooks
  • Trackers
  • Prompted Journals 

Below, I will list the benefits of these journals and how you can use them in your writing career. 


#1: It Improves Your Mental Health

Mental health will play a key role in your writing career. It is challenging to continue a project if your mind isn’t stable. As with journaling, your self-confidence will improve. If you write down information that you have in your mind, then you will more likely retrieve it later on. Keeping everything organized will reduce your stress levels and your communication skills.


#2: It Leads To Self-Discovery

Knowing yourself is vital to keeping your mind open at all times. Are you having a quarter or mid-life crisis? If so, this can lead to things you may not inspire to do. As a result, you will waste time on these things, hence will keep you away from your writing potential. 


This journal here will keep you focused on things that matter. This well-prompted journal will keep your mind intact, and not lead you astray. 


#3: It Keeps You Organized

Staying organized is key to keeping your mind clear and focused. Whether it’s prompted or a tracker, writing it down will organize your thoughts. There are plenty of journals that can help you stay organized. This can range from preparing your meals to exercising or traveling.


#4: It Will Lead To Achieving Your Goals

If you want to improve your writing, SMART goals are the best way to go. The more you write down your goals, the more you can manifest them. Writing journals can help you reach your project goals. Jotting down ideas will help you keep your mind sharp and organized, regardless of any story idea you have.


#5: You Can Track Your Progress and Growth

Tracking your progress and growth will most likely improve your confidence in success. If you plan to do this for at least a year, document how much change you have encountered since you first started. You would be amazed at the accomplishments and modifications you have endured.


Thank you for reading! I hope you will begin your journaling process as a writer. 


Please comment below if you have any questions or concerns. I would love to hear some of your stories.


Happy journaling!




Samantha T. White is a fiction writer with a B.A. and M.A. in Psychology. She is an account specialist during the day and a writer at night. She enjoys reading, exercising, and playing her guitar. You can follow her on Twitter, IG, and Facebook. 



Published inbloggercommunication skillsdiyMFAfreelancefreelance careergoalsinspiredjournalingjournalsmental healthorganization skillsself-discoverySMART goalswriter's blockwriting careerwriting communitywriting project

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